2nd Nine Weeks

2nd Nine Weeks

2nd Nine Weeks


Concept Benchmarks Activities Assessment
Week10-12 Macbeth 

12,1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4

Students will read, interpret, and analyze Shakespeare's work andrelatehis history, his literary style, his themes, and his use of dramatic conventions and poetic devices to his work.



Small group analysis and share  historical background.

Small group analysis of thematic implications.


Drama is meant to be heard and seen, so upon first reading, the class will hear the reading and share in the oral unfolding of  the play.  Video will be interspersed after the first reading.




Small group notes and sharing

Act I-V quizzes

Reading participation

Discussion participation

Journal entries reflecting upon the events of the play.



  Vocabulary 921-960

12.1.1,2,3; 12.5.6

Usevocabulary words. Interpretmeanings of  vocabulary words bygeneratingsentences with appropriate context clues thatrelate to the meaning  of words. Share parts of speech of words


Vocabulary tests


  Journal writing

12.6.1; 12.6.2; 12.5.3

Writea reflective journal entry, using details tosupportthe general ideas. Write journal entries reflecting upon the events of the play. Completed journal
Week 13-14  Vocab 941-960

Vocab 941-980

12.1.1,2,3; 12.5.6

Usevocabulary words. Interpretmeanings of  vocabulary words bygeneratingsentences with appropriate context clues thatrelate to the meaning  of words. Share parts of speech of words




Vocabulary tests


12.7.6; 12.7.16

Organize anddelivera speech ofcomparison/contrastwith focus on tenets of good speaking as discussed throughout first semester - presentation, organization, volume, rate of speaking, eye contact, and ethos. Persuasive speech Delivery of speech

Notes turned in


Macbeth Creative Projects Collaborate to dramatize a scene from Macbeth,analyzinga scene,relatingit to present-day life,organizingandplanningplot,writinga script, performing the scene, andjustifyingchanges from original.  Groups of varying sizes will choose an appropriate scene from the play, then script it, come up with costumes and props, and perform it for the class.  The presentations may be videotaped. Script (rubric)

Performance (rubric)

Weeks 15-16  

Poetry and Creative Writing

12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.7

Students willanalyzeandidentifyvarious poetic forms, read poetry with understanding, share their favorite works of poetry, andcomposean original poem. Read Ch 6,Literature Portfolio"Reading and Writing about Poetry."  Examine selections from "An Anthology of Poetry."

Share favorite works.

Write an original poem to share with the class.

Class notes


Original poems (rubric)

Sharing of poems (rubric)

  Journal writing

12.4.1-3; 12.5.3

Writea  descriptive or lyrical  entry, using details tosupportthe general ideas. Write a journal entry of descriptive or lyrical style. Completed journal entry.
  Vocab  981-1000

12.1.1-3; 12.5.6

Usevocabulary words. Interpretmeanings of  vocabulary words bygeneratingsentences with appropriate context clues thatrelate to the meaning  of words. Share parts of speech of words.



Vocabulary test


Weeks 17-18




12.2,12.3.3; 12.4.1-6; 12.4.10-12; 12.5.2; 12.5.7, 12.6, 12.7

Students willanalyzeandapply the art of debate, including rhetorical devices and the use of logic (pathos, ethos, logos).

Students will plan and organizetheir debates using a traditional format with teams of two opposing teams of two, affirmative and negative, with a round of prepared speeches, a round of rebuttal, discussion at the table, and audience Q/A.  

Students will thoroughlyresearch, plan, and organize  their debates, and willcomposetheir research todefendtheir views in an accompanying documented argumentation paper. They will recognize logical fallacies in opposing arguments andcritiquetheir opponent's view whilejustifyingtheir own. (MLA).

Debate will be conducted using a traditional format with teams of two opposing teams of two, affirmative and negative, with a round of prepared speeches, a round of rebuttal, discussion at the table, and audience Q/A.  

Debates will be thoroughly researched, planned, organized, and  will be accompanied by a documented argumentation paper.

Planning organizers


Argumentation paper-Rubric


Week 1 9 Final Exams


In a final essay  test, students will  analyze a topic,plan,organize,andwritea thesis, anddefendthe thesis with details and examples thatsupporttheir views.
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