English 9 Second Semester Course Map

English 9 Second Semester Course Map

Course map for first quarter

Focus of the week / selected concepts, vocabulary, themes



Matched to Standards


Students will be able to:


Students will:



 Week 1

“Thank You M’am”

By Langston Hughes

p. 108

Plot elements




Read and respond to literature

9.3.3-4, 7, 12

Write using Standard English conventions

9.6.1-2, 9.2-9.7


Identify plot elements, characters, setting. Write a topic sentence, support with evidence from the story.

Develop voice, ideas, fluency, word choice, organization through regular journal writing and mechanics through Daily Oral Language

Make introductions, be advised of class procedure.

6 Active Reading Skills

6 Traits of Writing

Read “Thank You M’am”


Journal and D.O.L. on alternating days.

Quiz (objective and paragraph response).



Journal graded each quarter. D.O.L. graded each three weeks

Vocabulary quiz each Friday

Week 2

“The Most Dangerous Game”

By Richard Connell

p. 16


Setting and Imagery







Historical allusion

Civilization vs Savagery, fear


Core Standard 1 Vocabulary and Concept Development

Core Standard 3 Literary text: Comprehension and Analysis

Identify plot elements, characterization, setting and imagery, internal and external conflict.

Support theme statements with evidence from the story.

Active reading for characterization, setting, plot, internal and external conflict.



AC: Read “Can Animals Think” p.39

Story and literary terms quiz


Journal graded each quarter. D.O.L. graded each three weeks

Vocabulary quiz each Friday

Week 3

“A Christmas Memory”

By Truman Capote

p. 62


”My Father is a Simple Man”

By Luis Omar Salinas

p. 74



Tone / Mood



Core Standard 1 Vocabulary and Concept Development

Core Standard 3 Literary text: Comprehension and Analysis

Identify figurative language, distinguish tone and mood, and compare themes across genre.

Read the narrative, notice use of literary devices, and discuss the authors’ purpose.

Story quiz, including theme analysis.


Journal graded each quarter. D.O.L. graded each three weeks

Vocabulary quiz each Friday

Week 4


By Eugenia Collier

p. 140


setting and imagery




Motivation and conflict


The Great Depression

Beauty, innocence, guilt, compassion, rite of passage

Core Standard 1 Vocabulary and Concept Development

Core Standard 2 Informational Text: Structure, comprehension, and Analysis

Core Standard 3 Literary text: Comprehension and Analysis

Connect history and literature, analyze the concepts of innocence, maturity, compassion, and rites of passage, identify and explain usage of literary device, use examples of personal narrative to inform their own writing projects (personal narrative).

Research background and context of The Great Depression, choose a picture and do evidence/inference T chart and journal.

Discuss rites of passage.

Read story aloud and discuss all elements of narrative.

Story quiz including short essay options.


Journal graded each quarter. D.O.L. graded each three weeks

Vocabulary quiz each Friday

Week 5

Personal Narratives

p. 78

Core Standard 5 Writing Literary Text

Core Standard 6 English Language Conventions

Core standard 8 Workplace Skills

Use the writing process to develop a literary text of high quality and correctness. Use dialogue to promote characterization. Develop a theme within creative writing. Edit and collaborate with others to perfect writing.

Writing Process:

Brainstorm topics,

Pre-write, compose, evaluate, edit, revise, peer-conference, revise, edit, publish.

Personal narrative rubric.


Journal graded each quarter. D.O.L. graded each three weeks

Vocabulary quiz each Friday

Week 6

Personal narratives

Oral presentations

p. 86

Begin reading “ Liberty ”

Core Standard 5 Writing Literary Text

Core Standard 6 English Language Conventions

Core Standard 7 Listening and Speaking

Core standard 8 Workplace Skills

Use the writing process to develop a quality piece and share it with peers. Listen to other students work and make informed responses.

Final drafts, moodle share, read alouds

Personal narrative rubric.


Journal graded each quarter. D.O.L. graded each three weeks

Vocabulary quiz each Friday

Week 7

Comparison Contrast Essay

Comparing a theme across genres

Short story “ Liberty ” by Julia Alvarez, poem “Exile” by Julia Alvarez, and non-fiction news feature

“An American Story” by Anthony Lewis p. 294

Core Standards 1-3 and 7

Think critically while reading to understand how an author’s purpose can best be served through different genres.

Present oral projects on the theme of liberty drawing on the three readings and personal experience.


Advanced students will do additional research on immigration policy and the effect of immigration on culture, economy, and politics.

Oral presentation rubric.


Journal graded each quarter. D.O.L. graded each three weeks

Vocabulary quiz each Friday

Week 8

Author Study: Ray Bradbury

“A Sound of Thunder” p. 580


“The Golden Kite, the Silver Wind”    p. 437


Einstein readings p. 446

Science fiction, the butterfly effect, allegory, historical connections to the Cold War

Core Standards1-3, 6, and 8

Identify an author’s unique style through reading multiple works.


Understand the use of allegory and the allegorical quality of science fiction.

Read p. 572 on Evaluating Style.


Read text selections and use terms discussed in class to identify and describe Bradbury’s style.

Refelective writing post on Moodle.


Journal graded each quarter. D.O.L. graded each three weeks

Vocabulary quiz each Friday

Week 9


Review for First Quarter Test

Core Standards 1-3 and 5-8

Review and demonstrate mastery of literary terms, comprehension skills, and analysis skills.

Use moodle glossary to make review posts.

Take comprehensive test.

First Quarter test

2nd Quarter Map

Focus of the week / selected concepts



Matched to Standards:


Students will be able to:


Students will:



Week 1


p. 474-565



Sound device

Figurative language

Core Standards 1,3, 6, and 7

Gain strategies to understand and interpret poetry, identify conventions of form, sound, and meaning in poetry, and choose a poem to present to class with a close reading.

 Read “Eyeglasses for the Mind” by Stephen King p. 491


Brainstorm what poetry is, who makes it, how is it different from prose, why humans have used it.


Read a variety of poems and learn the conventions of poetry.

Students will be assigned poems to prepare for reading aloud throughout the week. We will discuss what we notice while building an understanding of the conventions of poetry.


Journal graded each quarter. D.O.L. graded each three weeks

Vocabulary quiz each Friday 

Week 2

A Close Reading of a Poem



Sound device

Figurative language

Core Standards 1,3, 6, and 7


 Make choices about which poem they want to study, do research on the poet, analyze a poem for aspects of form, sound, and meaning, and make a formal presentation to the class.

Drawing on the previous week’s practice, students will choose a new poem to “unpack” for the class. 

Scoring guide.


Skills Review p. 566

Analyzing Poetry

Week 3

 Informational writing and the Five Paragraph essay, writing process, organization, purpose, tone, thesis, and supporting ideas


“Where I Find My Heroes” by Oliver Stone p. 819

“Heroes with Solid Feet” by Kirk Douglas p. 821

  Core Standards 1,2,4,6,8


 Craft a thesis, use a lead and introductory material, use transitions, use details, anecdotes, and examples to develop a supporting idea, use clincher sentences, develop conclusion paragraphs that summarize, synthesize and end the essay with elegance.

 Read Stone’s and Douglas’ texts, brainstorm qualities that heroes possess.


Pre write, compose, and develop “The Person You Most Admire” expository essay.

Post to My Access and Moodle, discuss essays.


 Five paragraph essay scoring guide

 Week 4

Option 1:

Community Service and Volunteerism: comprehending, summarizing, and connecting informational texts.

Option 2:

“Invictus” response essay

  Core Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8


  Same as above

Read “Teaching Chess, and Life,” “Community Service & You,” and “Feeding Frenzy” 

Discuss means and ends, brainstorm ideas for local volunteer projects.

Work in groups to accomplish a goal or research/present what teens have done elsewhere.


Read and discuss “Invictus” write in-class essay response.

   Five paragraph essay self assessment scoring guide

Week 5

Career Exploration


Coin 3

Ten year career plan essay

  Core Standards 1, 2, 4, 6, 8


  Same as above

  Read “Diaper Genie”

By Emily Yoffe on Moodle fromSlate


Use Coin assessments to develop a list of possible careers. Research top picks. Develop a ten year career plan essay.


 Five paragraph essay self assessment scoring guide.


Teacher Five paragraph essay scoring guide

 Week 6-7

Whole Class Novel Study

  Core Standards 1, 3, 5, 6, 7


 Read historical fiction for understanding of plot, setting, imagery, character, conflict, historical allusions, theme, and enjoyment.

Read: A Lesson Before DyiingorOut of the Dust

 Journals, reading quizzes, Moodle discussion forums.

   Week 8

Novel projects and final

    Core Standards 1-8



 Respond to literature with projects that focus on one of three areas: theme, setting and imagery, or character and conflict.

Complete reading, prepare projects/presentation


Prepare for and take Semester Final

Project scoring guide.


First Semester Final








3rd Quarter Map 




Matched to Core Standards:


Students will be able to:


Students will:



Weeks 1 and 2

Quarter Focus: Public speaking and Drama

Speech 1: Description of a Place


 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8

develop a speech that uses descriptive details to support a controlling impression.


listen to and identify main idea.


recognize and use terms relating to speech and drama

Brainstorm, prewrite, edit, revise, improve, practice, deliver a speech that describes a place they know well. The speech should share a dominant impression and be supported with descriptive sensory details, anecdotes, factual details. Organized spatially or by importance.

 Description of a Place Speech Scoring Guide


Presentation Log


weekly vocabulary quiz, journals, and DOL

Week 3 

Speech 2:  Demonstration

 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8


refine speech-delivery skills (volume, articulation, eye-contact, etc.)


use props to demonstrate a skill


organize instruction and use transition words

Give a speech that demonstrates a simple task or skill.


Organize by overview, detailed instruction, and review.


Listen to speeches and note technique and organization.

 Demonstration Speech Scoring Guide


Presentation Log

Week 4 

Readers’ Theater: “The Devil and Daniel Webster”

 1, 3, 6, 7


research historical allusions and share with the class


read with expression and pacing


analyze dramatic conventions

Prepare short informal presentations on chosen historical allusion topics.


Read parts in play.

 Play Quiz



 Week 5

Speech 3: Persuasive

 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8


craft a thesis and at least three supporting arguments


identify three types of persuasive arguments: logical, ethical, and emotional


research source material to provide supporting details


deliver an effective persuasive speech and respond to questions


identify a speaker’s thesis and evaluate oral arguments



 Write and refine a persuasive speech.


Develop strong thesis statements, varied supporting arguments, researched and credited details.


Listen to speeches and note thesis statements, evaluate others’ arguments.

 Persuasive Speech Scoring Guide


Speech Evaluation Log

 Weeks 6-8

Readers’ Theater and view film version

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

 1, 2, 3, 6


study the play within the context of the English Renaissance and our own time


read the play for enjoyment and some understanding


memorize at least ten lines of the play or a sonnet


identify and interpret dramatic conventions, plot, character, especially tragedy and tragic hero

 Read Acts 1-3 (Readers’ Theater)



Watch a film version of the play.



Play Quiz


In-class essay

 Week 9

Memorization pieces, review, and final

 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7


 memorize at least ten lines of the play or a sonnet


identify examples of skills and conventions of drama and speech and use vocabulary correctly

 Give memorization pieces with thematic introduction.


Take third quarter final exam.

 Memorization Scoring Guide


Third Quarter Final Exam

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