Sunshine Society

Sunshine Society

Sunshine Society Brochure

Austin High School 

Sunshine Society/Sons of Liberty

“Let Your Light Shine on Others”


Sunshine Sponsor: Mrs. Nancy Stearns 

Sons of Liberty Sponsor: Mr. Kenton Embry 

ClassRoom SSS code is: j2mnk32

Class Room SOL Code is: v5hm4mh

Facebook Page:

You and your parents or guardians are encouraged to join this Facebook page. We will share pictures and information about SSS and SOL on this page. 


          A girl dreamed a dream of service.  A woman of vision gave the needed guidance and direction of activities that made possible the realization of this dream.  The seed for the Indiana Sunshine Society was planted in the person of Miss Marguerite Dice, a senior in the Crawfordsville High School Class of 1901.

The plant was nurtured to mature growth by Miss Anna Wilson, principal of the Crawfordsville High School.  A group of high school girls had already done work with some of the poor children of the city and now Marguerite Dice was inspired to widen their activities to shut-ins, the old and the sick.

          Miss Wilson recognized that the idea of spreading sunshine would be good motivation in any girls’ organization.  The idea of sharing their own happiness appealed to these girls.  The first Sunshine Society of Indiana was organized.

          The name “Sunshine meant “Let your light shine”. The Motto was “Good Cheer.”  The colors-yellow and white symbolize sunshine and purity.  The membership fee consisted of some act that would carry sunshine where it was needed.  The object of the society was to “scatter seeds of kindness among the old, the sick, the needy, and to weave a golden thread of kindness through the everyday lives of all.”  The first pin was a small canary, a replica of Miss Wilson’s canary, Sunny.  The creed was the one used today (with little change) and was written by Miss Wilson.

          This tiny seed grew into a strong plant for Miss Wilson exemplified the ideas of the society-giving herself, reaching out, strengthening, encouraging, lifting, brightening the lives of all with whom she came in contact.  The society attracted the attention of the townspeople and they gave it loyal support, both moral and financial.  News of its success was spread over the state and its work was recognized as being an excellent character builder.  Soon many high schools organized similar societies.

          Over one hundred years later, the Indiana Sunshine Society still exists in Indiana high schools.   Sunshine continues to serve “others”, with over a thousand members of young men and women.”

Austin High School’s Sunshine Society was organized in 1926 by Mrs. Ruth Storen and will celebrate its 91 year anniversary during the 2018-2019 school year. 

Sunshine Emblem- The Rising Sun                  

Sunshine Creed

“With love in my heart, forgetting self, and with charity for all, I will make the object of my life helpfulness and kindness to others. I shall try to fit myself to give intelligent service in making my community a safer and more beautiful place in which to live. Thus will my own life become rich and complete.”

Motto: Others

Flower- Yellow Rose

 Song- My Sunshine Girl 

Becoming a Sunshine Society/Sons of Liberty Member…………………

  • Fill out a membership form and submit it by August 27, 2021.  You may pay your specific sponsor daily before or after school. 

  • Pay your dues:

    • By August 27, 2021         $12.00 

    • After August 27, 2021        $15.00  

    • After January 1, 2022        $20.00

  • Sell a minimum of 3 Carwash Tickets/ Work  at the carwash

  • Participate in Silly Initiation

  • Attend Serious Initiation

Maintaining your Sunshine Society/Sons of Liberty Membership……………

  • Fill out a membership form and submit it by August 27, 2021. You may pay your specific sponsor daily before or after school.

  • Pay your dues:

    • By August 27, 2021         $12.00 

    • After August 27, 2021        $15.00  

    • After January 1, 2022        $20.00

  • Sell a minimum of 3 Carwash Tickets/ Work at the Carwash  

  • Participate in Silly Initiation

  • Attend Serious Initiation

Austin High School Sunshine Society/ Sons of Liberty

Service, Circle and Charity Events for 2021-2022

Members will earn points throughout the school year. Earning seven points allows each active member the opportunity to purchase up to two (2) tickets to the annual Spring Sunshine/ Sons of Liberty Dance. 

Each member is required to earn a minimum of 

  • two (2) service points 

  • one (1) circle point 

  • four (4) donation points or 2 additional service points

Standard for Service: Each member who signs up for a service activity is expected to fulfill their commitment. The service our members provide fulfills many needs for our community, and without your service some events would not be possible. If you sign up for a service event and do not show up, are late, or chose to leave early you will be docked one (1) service point.   In order to prevent being docked a service point, you must notify your sponsor at least one (1) full school day prior to the event. 

If an emergency arises after school hours on the day of an event, notify your sponsor as soon as possible. 

 Service Points for 2021-2022

PTO Halloween Carnival Worker

Fall State Meeting

Kid’s First Auction Worker

Salvation Army Bell Ringer

We Care, Volunteer

Elf at Austin Christmas Parade

Concessions for Area Academic Super Bowl

Elementary Book Fair

Circle Points for 2021-2022:
Officers: Car Wash, Sunshine Week, Silly Initiation, Serious Initiation, Mr. Irresistible Contest, One SSS/SOL Event as assigned. 

Freshman Members: Grandparent’s Night

Sophomore Members: Dinner with Dad

Junior Members: Ideal Lady Social

Senior Members: Sunshine/Sons of Liberty Dance 

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