Basic Skills

Basic Skills

Resource/ Basic Skills

The Resource Room at Austin High School is designed to develop, strengthen, and improve skills for positive academic performance and achievement. Through content area course work, pre-and post- teaching, cognitive learning strategies are taught which focus on comprehension and memory skills, organizational and study skills, test taking, and the enhancements of written expression. Self-advocacy skills and transitional planning are also part of the instructional program. Students' progress is monitored and reviewed throughout the year according to their Individual Educational Plans.
Resource Room Goals: 
·To assist the students in becoming as independent and successful as they can 
·To monitor the students’ progress toward meeting goals and to assist the student in successfully completing all courses of study 
·To maintain communication with the student, parents, teachers, guidance counselors and other staff involved with the education of student 
·To introduce and develop skills needed for learning
Expectations: It is expected that students will come to class prepared with the materials needed for Resource. Students are expected to maintain a "planner", or another organizational method to keep track of assignments, projects, and tests/quizzes students will complete assigned work in order to achieve their goals.
Grading: All Resource room students will be graded on Participation/Productivity.
In order be successful in Resource Room:
1. Attend class daily
2. Follow classroom rules.
3. Utilize time wisely.
4. Ask for help. 
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