Comp 2 Overview

Comp 2 Overview

Comp 2 Overview

English Composition II (ENGL 102), Vincennes University

Mrs. Turner, English 12 Academic, Austin High School



Desmet, Christy, D. Alexis Hart and Deborah Church Miller, ed. Prentice Hall Literature Portfolio.New Jersey : Pearson Education, Inc. New York : Pearson Education, 2007.

Kirszner, Laurie G. and Stephen R. Mandell. The Concise Wadsworth Handbook.2nded.

 Boston : Thomson/Wadsworth, 2008.

Beers, Kylene, and Lee Odell, eds.Holt Elements of Literature, Sixth Course. Austin : Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2008.

Irvin, Judith, Elements of Language, Sixth Course. Austin : Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2009.

English I Vocabulary CardsAcademic Study Card Set.Visual Education. Springfield , Ohio .



English Composition II (ENGL 102) is a continuation of the work started in English Composition I (ENGL 101) to help the student develop his or her ability to think, to organize, and to express his or her thoughts and ideas effectively. This course applies the skills developed in Comp I to a wider range of expository and argumentative writing culminating in the preparation of an investigative paper.


This course is an academic one-semester course offered for dual credit for qualifying students. In this course, all students will focus upon a study of research techniques and MLA style, exposition, argumentation, panel discussion, creative writing,and journal writing. Students will also study selected readings from literature, prepare and deliver speeches, study vocabulary, and read independently. 



A.    Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ENGL 101.

B.    English Comp II is a course designed to help students develop their ability to think, to organize, and to express their ideas clearly and effectively. Emphasis is placed on the various forms of expository writing such as process, description, narration, comparison, analysis, persuasion, and argumentation. Numerous in-class writing assignments are required in addition to extended essays written both inside and outside of class.

C.    Credit for this course will transfer to state colleges and universities in Indiana and to most other institutions of higher learning. Successful completion of this course requires a grade of “C” or higher and is indicative of a student’s ability to research, document, reason, and write at the college level.

D.    This course includes an extension and review if necessary of the following general education skills:

1. Reading

2. Writing

3. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving

4. Computer Skills

5. Library and Research Skills

6. Speaking

E.     Competencies

Upon completion of ENGL 102, students should have the competencies to effectively do the following:

1. Effectively and selectively conduct research which supports and investigation into a focused topic.

                       2. Base their writing upon their research.

3. Construct an annotated bibliography for their sources, evaluating the validity of the sources.

4. Effectively utilize note cards, bib cards, paraphrasing and quotations.

5. Effectively analyze literary works and use them as subjects of composition..

6. Prepare a formally documented investigative paper that includes bib cards, note cards, an outline, rough draft, peer revision, and the finished paper.

7. Understand the value of the revision process for the development of ideas and for achieving the quality expected of the completed writing assignment.

8. Use the basics of logic and what constitutes a valid argument through exercises in logic, examination of argumentative essays, group discussion, and oral presentations.

9. Write and present an original creative piece of narrative prose or poetry that is descriptive, narrative, expository, or persuasive.

10. Follow the standards of written English especially in regard to sentence structure, punctuation, agreement, and spelling.





           With each writing assignment, students will practice the concept of writing as a process of prewriting, organizing, drafting, and revising. The instructor will guide students through the writing process and provide feedback on student writing through a variety of methods, including checking outlines, note cards, and drafts, conducting conferences, and organizing peer editing sessions. Much class time will be spent writing under the guidance of the instructor. Students are expected to complete all reading assignments and to come to class each day prepared to listen, write, and participate in discussions. Emphasis is placed on the PROCESS of writing documented papers. Each step is checked by the instructor.

           The class also includes class discussion of textbook models, lectures on techniques involved in the preparation of an investigative paper, introduction to the library as a laboratory, exercises in note-taking, documentation of statements, preparation of outlines and bibliographies, exercises in forming and testing generalizations, evaluating evidence, and recognizing prejudicial devices.




           All students in Academic English will complete the same work for the class . Dual credit students will receive two separate final grades – one grade for high school credit, and one grade for Vincennes college credit. The AHS grade will be determined according to the following weights and may be subject to variation:

                                   Composition (VU) – 40%

                                   Classwork (some VU) - 25%

                                   Vocabulary -   25%

                                   Speech -         10%


                       The Vincennes University credit will be determined for the semester according to the following grading units:


                                   Short writings, classwork,

                                               vocabulary work, essay test – 30%

                                   Short documented paper–                   15%

                                   Documented argumentation paper –    15%

                                   Documented exposition paper -           10%

                                   Long research paper  –                      30%



 The grading scale for Vincennes FINAL COURSE GRADE is as follows:

                                   A  =  93-100

A-   =  90 – 92

                                   B+ =  87 – 89

                                   B  =  83 – 86

B-   =  80 – 82

                                   C+ =  77 – 79

                                   C  =  70 – 76

                                   D  =  60 – 69

                                   F  =   59 and below.    



*Preparation of Manuscripts

     *All papers written outside the classroom must be written on a word processor.

     *12-point size Times Roman font must be used.

     *Variations must be approved by the instructor.


     Individual instructors will determine whether essays may be revised for grade improvement. However, students should not expect improvement of their grade without completing a true revision, one that reflects improvement in content and style as well as corrections in grammar and spelling errors. No revisions will be permitted for papers that are late, plagiarized, or written on unapproved topics.



An “A” Essay:

           *Displays appropriate tone for the assignment (objective, subjective, persuasive);

           *Has appropriate organization that reflects rhetorical mode;

           *Possesses outstanding content that explores the subject in depth, including well-developed introduction, body, and conclusion;

           *Contains fully developed and correct documentation, including introductions to authorities; proper attribution to authorities; correct use of direct quotation partial paraphrase, and complete paraphrase; correct in-text citations and bibliographic entries;

           *Meets minimum standards for margins, spacing, pagination, grammar, and mechanics.

A “B” Essay:

           *Displays appropriate tone for the assignment (objective, subjective, persuasive);

           *Possesses above-average organization that reflects the particular rhetorical mode;

           *Indicates quality content that explores the subject in good depth but not in as much complexity as the “A” paper;

           *Contains more than adequate documentation which is mostly correct in introducing and identifying references as well as providing in-text and bibliography entries;

           *Meets near-minimum standards for margins, spacing, pagination, grammar, and mechanics; may contain minor errors in grammar and mechanics.

A “C” Essay:

           *Displays mostly consistent tone for the assignment (objective, subjective, persuasive);

           *Has adequate organization but may not be as consistent or as well-developed in introduction, body, and conclusion with appropriate thesis statement and top sentences as “A” and “B” papers;

           *Contains only adequate (average) content that does not fully explore the subject in depth; may contain some inadequately developed paragraphs;

           *Possesses some imperfect documentation such as incomplete introductions, attribution to authorities, some incorrect in-text entries, and some faulty bibliography entries;

           *Indicates some faulty margins, spacing, pagination, grammar, and mechanics.

A “D” Essay:

           *Displays inconsistent tone required for the assignment (objective, subjective, persuasive);

           *Possesses inappropriate organization, such as inadequate topic sentences or thesis statement or underdeveloped introduction or conclusion;

           *Contains underdeveloped content that does little to explore the subject in depth. Moreover, what content there is may not be clear or may be awkward in construction;

           *Contains poor margins, spacing, and pagination and/or numerous errors in grammar and/or mechanics.

An “F” Essay:

           *Displays terribly inconsistent and faulty tone required for the assignment (objective, subjective, persuasive);

           *Possesses poor organization which makes content hard to understand. For instance, may contain no introduction or thesis, few appropriate topic sentences for body paragraphs, and/or no appropriate introduction or conclusion;

           *Contains inadequate content that does not explore the subject in any depth. Totally incoherent, underdeveloped, and/or awkward construction of body paragraphs;

           *Lacks documentation, introductions, attribution of references, and in-text citations, and bibliographical entries.

           *Does not meet minimum standards in margins, spacing, pagination, grammar, and/or mechanics.


Minimum Writing Standards:

           Failure of the paper will result from failure to meet the following standards:

           *The essay must be the original work of the student whose name appears on the paper. Additionally, all uses of outside sources must be documented or the paper will not be recognized as the work of the student.

           *The essay must complete the assignment as defined by the instructor.

           *The essay must have a clearly stated thesis and a definite organization.


           A below average grade will result from failure to meet the following standards:

           *The thesis must be supported by examples and illustrations.

           *The essay must not have more than one incomplete sentence.

           *The essay must not have more than three comma splices and/or fused sentences.

           *The essay must not have more than three misspelled words.

           *The essay must not contain more than three errors in agreement.

           *The essay must not include errors in documentation.

           *The essay must not include repeated errors in grammar.

*The essay must be legible and neat. Word processed papers must be properly formatted.




The final grades will be determined by the average of the grades received on the following units:




Austin High School

English 102 Grading Sheet

Mrs. Turner

Name _________________________________________________ 


ASSIGNMENTS       ASGN.PTS.                %         GRADE POINTS             







                                   _______                     30%                _______                     


SHORT DOCUMENTED PAPER                                                                                                     

_______                     15%                _______







_______                     10%                _______



                       _______                     30%                _______



COURSE GRADE      _______                     













     Attendance is required. Students are expected to be in class and on time. Students with excessive absences will be withdrawn from the course and may receive the grade of “WF” if they are not passing when withdrawn from the course.




*Make-up work

     It is the students’ responsibility to hand in work on time and to be sure that every assignment meets requirements set forth. If any essay is not completed, the final grade for the course will be dropped by one letter grade.IF THE LONG RESEARCH PAPER IS NOT COMPLETED, THE STUDENT WILL RECEIVE AN “F” FOR THE CLASS. Late paperswill receive a lower grade.A paper that is late will be lowered one letter grade for each day that it is late. No late papers will be accepted one week after the due date. And no paper will be accepted after the last day of class.

Students who have excused absences should arrange to make up their missed assignments within FORTY-EIGHT HOURS after their return.


*Academic Dishonesty

     Plagiarism is the act of using another person’s words or ideas as if they were one’s own. Students will be required to sign a statement of academic honesty with each paper turned in. Any student who is found to plagiarize on a paper or who permits his or her work to be copied by another student will automatically receive zero points for that paper. The student may also receive a failing grade for the course. The teacher reserves the right to check papers for plagiarism electronically and students will be required to provide an digital copy.



     Students must exhibit appropriate behavior for college work. Students not showing appropriate behavior will be warned and then ordered from the class to ensure a positive learning environment for other English Composition II students.


*Content and Schedule Changes

     The instructional schedule reflects expected class progress in the course subject matter and is considered tentative. The schedule is subject to t change in content and scope at the instructor’s discretion. AS changes are made, the instructor will promptly notify the students.


*Disabilities Statement

     “ Vincennes University complies with the requirements set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act to assure the rights of individuals with disabilities to air non-discriminatory treatment. Students with psychological, physical, sensory,, communicative, and/or learning disabilities should contact the Office of Disability Services s soon as possible after admission to VU. The student will be required to provide copies of medical or psychometric evaluations that document the presence of a disability on the student’s level of functioning in order to determine the types of accommodations which will be needed.,  It is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor immediately once (s)he hs been approved for academic accommodations because of a disability, have emergency medical information, or if (s)he needs special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated.” (This statement was developed and approved by the University Office of Disability Services.)

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