Comp 2 Syllabus

Comp 2 Syllabus

Comp 2 Syllabus

Mrs. Turner

AustinHigh School

Spring Semester, 2010


English Composition II (ENGL 102) Syllabus


Desmet, Christy, D. Alexis Hart, and Deborah Church Miller, ed. Prentice Hall Literature Portfolio.New Jersey:Pearson Education, Inc. 2007

Kirszner, Laurie G. and Stephen R. Mandell. The Concise Wadsworth Handbook.2nded.

 Boston : Thomson/Wadsworth, 2008.

Beers, Kylene, and Lee Odell, eds.Holt Elements of Literature, Sixth Course. Austin : Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2008.

Irvin, Judith, Elements of Language, Sixth Course. Austin : Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2009.

English I Vocabulary CardsAcademic Study Card Set.Visual Education.Springfield, Ohio.

In-Class Journal – 70 p. spiral notebook, Pens (blue or black), paper

Notebook or binder for organization of all notes, class materials, and assignments



This schedule is subject to change.


Week 1 (January 4-8)

                       Class expectations, course information

                       Vocabulary 801-820

                       CanterburyTales –Chaucer’s time, Prologue

                       Seven Deadly Sins/Seven Virtues


Chapter 1,Literature Portfolio-“Introduction


Week 2 (January 11-15)

                       Chapter 2,Literature Portfolio –“Reading to Become ‘Symbol-Wise’”

Journal writing

                       Vocabulary 821-840


                                   Wife of Bath ’s Tale

                                   Pardoner’s Tale

                       Short expository essay assigned

Focus on an aspect of seven deadly sins in Chaucers’ time or his literature. Proposals must be turned in by the end of the week.

Research the topic; two sources.


Week 3 (January 18-22)

                       Chapter 3, Literature Portfolio– “Writing about Literature”

Vocabulary 841-860

                       MLA documentation review

                       Expository essay work, including rough draft, peer edit, finished paper.



Week 4 (January 25-29)

Chapter 4,Literature Portfolio –“ Reading and Writing about Short   


Vocabulary 861-880

                       Short documented paper assigned (food paper), proposal due by Thursday


                       Speech assigned – Introspective comparison of food and the student.


Week 5 (February 1-5)

                       Vocabulary 881-900

                       Rough draft, peer edit, finished short documented paper



Week 6 (February 8-12)

                       Vocabulary 901-920

                       Long research paper assigned

                                   8-12 pages

                                   Minimum of eight sources and eight citations     


                       Research strategies – Choosing credible sources

Topic selection - Selecting and narrowing the topic

                       Topic to central question to thesis statement

                       Topics due by Thursday


Week 7 (February 15-19)

Writing annotations

Note card format, classifying information

Paraphrasing and using quotations

Outline form

Determine thesis statement, due by week’s end

                       Research, note-taking

                       20 note cards due Tuesday

                       Thesis statement and rough outline due Thursday


Week 8 (February 22-26)

                       20 note cards Monday

                       Rough draft, peer edit

Finished paper due Friday

           Total of 60 note cards

           All printed sources

           Annotated bibliography



Week 9 (March 1-5)


                       Background, form

                       Acts I, II



Week 10 (March 8-12)


                       Acts III, IV


Week 11 (March 15-19)


                       Act V 






Week 12 (April 12-16)

                       Macbeth – Creative group projects

                       Vocabulary 921-940


Week 13 (April 19-23)

                       Vocabulary 941-960

                       Speech activity

                       Assign creative piece – narrative, descriptive, expository, or persuasive            

Week 14 (April 26-30)

                       Vocabulary 961-981

                       Chapter 6 fromLiterature Portfolio“ Reading and Writing about Poetry”

                       Selections fromLiterature PortfolioAn Anthology of Poetry”

                       Creative writing due


Week 15 (May 3-7)

                       The art of debate



                       Debate format

                       Choose topics for debate, a position, and a partner

                       Debate research

                       Documented argumentation paper assigned


Week 16 (May 10-14)

                       Vocabulary 981-1000




Week 17 (May 17-21)

                       Documented argumentation papers due




Week 18 (May 23-28)

                       Final Exams, including essay exam


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